Kamis, 16 Juni 2016



Awan hitam membawa kegelapan
Jatuhkan tetes dari penyesalan
Sungguh, sesal tak ada guna kawan
Tak akan pernah kau temukan jawaban

Awan hilang, bawa pelangi senyuman
Bawa terang dari kebahagiaan
Sungguh, itu tak datang dari penyesalan
Usahalah pengundang kebahagiaan

Maka hapuslah tetes penyesalan
Mari bersama, maju hadapi hujan
Payungilah langkahmu dengan iman
Dan temukanlah pelangi impian
karya :zhulva

Kebahagiaan Dalam Kesedihan

Butiran air mengalir deras saat terdengar bisikan indah di hidupku
Bisikan indah hanya untukmu bukan untukku
Bisikan indah yang melunturkan deretan luka yang mendalam
Bagai runtuhkan kaca yang tergantung
Saat ku sadari kenyataan pahit sedang melanda
Ku tampakkan keindahan menyelimuti hidupku
Ku tampakkan kebahagiaan yang semu
Dan kupendam darah kesedihan di lubuk hati
Yang seharusnya ku lawan dengan keyakinan
Keyakinan yang mustahil datang
Meski bulan terlambat datang
Takkan merubah malam yang akan datang
Takkan merubah bintang yang terlanjur muncul
Meski ku teteskan darah kesedihan itu
Takkan merubah kesedihan yang hancurkan cinta
Yang goreskan luka yang nyata
Tak sanggup saat ku pandang dirimu disana dalam ketenangan
Tak sanggup diriku saat kau bersamanya dalam kebahagiaan
Saat ku goreskan tinta ini,
Mungkin ku sedang kesepian dalam sebuah kesendirian
Mungkin ku tlah teteskan butiran air yang mengalir deras itu
Pengarang: Riska Diah Mawarni


Tak bisa ungkap dengan kata apapun
Ini memang sangat membosankan
Ini begitu melelahkan
Bahkan, ini sangat menjengkelkan
Tubuh seakan beku dalam bongkahan es
Membeku tidak tahu kapan akan mencair
Yaa… itu benar sobat
Itu semua seperti sorot lampu panggung tanpa penonton
Menerangi tubuh di dalam kegelapan
Terdiam bisu tanpa senyum dan air mata
Ini sangat menyedihkan..
Namun.. ingatlah sobat..
Kau tidak sendiri
Kau tidak berdiri sendiri di kegelapan itu

Teteskanlah air matamu jika hatimu merasa terisak
Berteriaklah sepuasmu jika hatimu memanas
Karena itu lebih baik ku lihat
Dari pada kau terdiam kaku di bawah sorot lampu itu
Bagai seorang tokoh tanpa dialog.
Pengarang: Riska Diah Mawarni


Bak gelombang jiwa di udara
Laksana sinar di pagi hari
Bagaikan rembulan mengarunggi samudra
Seperti peri kehilangan cahaya matahari

Meskipun langit menyinari bumi
Mirip bola di senja kelap

Umpama terbang setinggi awan
Bagaikan bintang menghiasi malam
Sinar mentari bagaikan surya
Puisi Cahyaning P.


Kicauan burung terdengar merdu
Menandakan adanya hari baru
Indahnya alam ini membuatku terpaku
Seperti dunia hanya untuk diriku

Kupejamkan mataku sejenak
Kurentangkan tanganku sejenak
Sejuk , tenang , senang kurasakan
Membuatku seperti melayang kegirangan       

Wahai pencipta alam
Kekagumanku sulit untuk kupendam
Dari siang hingga malam
Pesonanya tak pernah padam

Desiran angin yang berirama di pegunungan
Tumbuhan yang menari-nari di pegunungan
Begitu indah rasanya
Bak indahnya taman di surga

Keindahan alam terasa sempurna
Membuat semua orang terpana
Membuat semua orang terkesima
Tetapi, kita harus menjaganya
Agar keindahannya takkan pernah sirna
Puisi Ronny Maharianto

Puisi yang saya sangat sukai adalah puisi karya zhulva yang berjudul nasihat sahabat karena disitu memberikan pesan agar kita tidak boleh berlarut-larut dalam penyesalan harus tetap maju walaupun banyak rintangannya.


Sabtu, 30 April 2016

My Holiday in Prambanan Temple

On my last holyday, my family and I went to visit my sister who lived in jogja. We went from jakarta on 10th September 2015 by using a car driver by my uncle. Atthough the travel was quite far but for me it was enjoyable trip because this was my first experience to go to my village using a car. On our way to jogja, I did was only sleep on the car while my little sister seemed enthusiastic to see the scenery from the car. After spending 2 days trips, we finally arrived at my sister’s house. My sister was very happy to know we were coming. She looked so surprised because we did not tell her before. My sister hugged me tightly after that she told us come in and rest inside her house. My sister served and asked us to ear. I ate very heartily as I was very hungry since on the trip. After eating, we had a nice conversation. My uncle was chatting with my sister while,  my mother and i joked with my little sister.
The next day, my family was invited by our old sister to come to prambanan temple. Prambanan temple is the cultural heritage located in jogja. I was so happy to be comming there. we were guided by our old sister to go around prambanan. My old sister told us about the history of prambanan and its function. Having tired of walking around, we were looking for a place around prambanan to have a lunch that we made old sister’s house. It was a pleasure at that time have a lunch with my big family in prambanan temple.
There we could enjoy our lunch and the scenery all at one. After eating my uncle invited us to take picture with the family I look picture with old sister in front of prambanan temple. It was my fondest memories with them. When it was afternoon my uncle took us to go home, we packed our things in the car and got ready to go home.

My Plan

I often wonder about my future. The number one question on my mind is which profession should I choose? It is very hard to make any definite choices. I want a profession that will satisfy me, challange me and bring me joy. I believe that a job should be like a hobby. I want to love my work and know that I am making a difference in this world by helpiing other people.
When I was a child, I dreamt to be a singer. I felt inspired by a certain public figure on tv who did those things and she was very talented in her field. When I was in senior high school, I changed my mind. I thought that being administration was easily because I though I have a talent in doing that job. I kept that ambition and dream until I went to study in university. Finally i took the major in university. I learnt many things about it.
Until I stand on this point now, I realize that I have new ambition and dream in my life after I went through those life moments and time. I went to the best secretary in a big office. I also want to build a family and become the educator of my children, the cheerleader of my husband, and good daughter for my parents.
I cannot realy imagine having a family yet, but I am 22 years old, so I have to start thinking about it. As for now, I am only focusing my attention on finishing my studies. Also, before I have a family I would like to travel overseas. I want to see countries like japan, america, etc.
After I finish my education and travels, I plan to get married and have a family. I would like to live with my future family in a quiet, natural countryside setting.

Selasa, 26 April 2016

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Toefl is an acronym of the test of English as a foreign language, toefl is a test that evaluates the ability to use and understand English in academic setting. The test  is use by institutions to ensure students are able to proceed and succeed on their chosen course in a country
Toefl test of English as a foreign language is probability the most often used examination in the admission process of foreign student to collages. There are three types of toefl, they are : PBT, CBT and IBT. The types of the test, depending on which part of the world the test is taken.
a.       PBT (Paper Based Test) is using by paper
b.      CBT (Computer Based Test) is using by computer
c.       IBT (Internet Based Test) is using by internet
But all of them, the IBT is the test which used international.


There are twenty students in the room.
Each of my sons wears a baseball cap.
Maury and his brother go to the bowling alley every day.
He is one of those people who work too hard.
That man and his friends meet for coffee in the snack room.
